Assignment #3 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

Q1Do you procrastinate sometimes?

Yes.  I know I need to get something done but just simply feel lazy.

Q2 What are some of the things you procrastinate on?

  • I might delay getting started on an assignment by wasting hours on activities such as browsing social media and watching TV.
  • I might procrastinate when it comes to doing the dishes.

Q3 What are some reasons for procrastination?

  • Being Lazy

  • Being a Perfectionist

  • Lacking Self-Control

  • Overwhelmed by Tasks

  • Prone to Distraction

Q4 What are some strategies you can use to combat your procrastination?

  • Being Lazytry doing light exercise to get my brain working.

  • Prone to Distractionbe mindful of your workspace and potential distractions.

  • Overwhelmed by TasksBreak the challenge down into smaller tasks, and tackle each one individually.

  • Lacking Self-ControlI will impose deadlines for myself.

  • Being a Perfectionista completed, albeit imperfect, task is better than an uncompleted task.


  1. Me too! Social media is really a big cause of procrastination😢

  2. I think prone to distraction is really one of the reasons for procrastination.


